Expertenmeinung im Finextra Magazine

There’s not much you can’t get on the dark web; it’s a lawless haven for cybercriminals. As businesses continue to utilise increasingly stringent identity checks, fraudsters will always be trying to get one step ahead.
Currently on sale on the dark web are passport scans. For just £55 you can get a typical passport scan with accompanying selfie. If the scan is real or forged, they often come with other forms of identification such as a utility bill, which of course hikes the price up a bit. And even if you’ve yet to figure out how to access the dark web, just a few months ago you could have popped over to an Arabic Facebook page called European Passports for Sale and pick up forgeries on sale from £800 to £2,600.
It can be very easy for these forgeries to slip through the identity verification net when a business is checking on their customers, as a lot of commercially available solutions are not able to verify if a scanned passport is a counterfeit.
What can significantly help is the use of artificial intelligence in your processes. Solutions exist that will analyse the document image down to the smallest part, the sub-pixel area. By checking on the optical features as well as the material properties, the program can determine if the properties match those of a real document. Combine this with liveness detection and you have a lethal combination for the fraudsters‘ intentions. They are quick learners and will go and find a business that doesn’t have such stringent checks in place. These solutions are designed for minimal customer friction, to ensure you don’t lose your customers to lengthy and cumbersome checks.
Where this is a will, there is a way, and fraudsters will always try and find new ways to stay ahead of the fraud prevention solutions. Our job is to make it as hard as possible, to use new and innovative ways to prevent them from de-frauding our businesses.
Informationen zu jenID Solutions
jenID Solutions bietet flexible Softwarelösungen an, die individuell an Kundenwünsche angepasst werden und den Kunden ermöglichen, sichere Identitätsprüfungen überall auf der Welt in Echtzeit durchzuführen. Dadurch weiß das Unternehmen, wer auf seine Produkte zugreift, sie nutzt bzw. ausleiht. jenID trägt auf diese Weise zum Schutz von Identitäten der Endverbraucher bei und verhindert Betrugsfälle.
Weitere Informationen:
GenuineID-App im Google PlayStore
Genuine-ID App im App Store
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Susanne Seefeld
jenID Solutions GmbH
Moritz-von-Rohr-Straße 1a
07745 Jena
Telefon: +49 3641 316 1070
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