Michael Weisbach now sole manager

At the turn of the year, there was a change in management at jenID Solutions GmbH. Until then, we had two managers: Thomas Winter as CFO and Michael Weisbach as CTO. Thomas Winter has now left but continues to be connected with the company as a shareholder, and we’d like to thank him for all his valuable work.
Michael Weisbach has initiated a change of strategy in the focus of our company, seeking, in particular, to stabilise our post-pandemic business and to strengthen our partnerships.
The new strategies in our partner business, implemented since mid-2021, began to deliver successes quite soon, in the first quarter of this year. We recorded excellent results, and we’re pleased to see the positive trend that is beginning to emerge.
Michael Weisbach
The new direction of the company is opening up opportunities to gain new partners and to target new customers and markets with existing partners.
About jenID Solutions
jenID Solutions offers flexible software solutions that are tailored to the customer’s needs and that allow customers to perform secure identity checks anywhere in the world in real-time. As such, the company knows who is accessing, using or borrowing its products. jenID thus contributes to the protection of end users' identities and prevents fraud.
Further information: www.jenidsolutions.com
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Printable photos, free of charge: jenID photos
Inquiries about the affiliate program GENUINE PARTNERSHIP from jenID can be made here: www.jenidsolutions.com/en/partnerprogram/
Press contacts
Susanne Seefeld
jenID Solutions GmbH
Moritz-von-Rohr-Straße 1a
07745 Jena
Telefon: +49 3641 316 1070
E-Mail: susanne.seefeld@jenidsolutions.com
Media Agency
Tower PR
Mälzerstraße 3
07745 Jena
Tel. +49 3641 87611-80
E-Mail: jenid@tower-pr.com