Introducing jenID to the Israeli Fintech industry

At this year’s Fintech Junction in Tel Aviv, jenID Solutions had the opportunity to introduce itself to Israel’s vital and highly innovative fintech industry. In a lecture, Charles Julien discussed the need to create the highest standards of customer authentication security in the area of customer on-boarding.
Subsequent talks made it clear that security is given a high priority, especially in the Middle East, and that jenID’s solutions for the automated authentication of identities meet the high demands towards ID authentication.
We look forward to another exciting exchange and to helping the Israeli fintech companies master their Know-Your-Customer (KYC) challenges.
About jenID Solutions
jenID Solutions offers flexible software solutions that are tailored to the customer’s needs and that allow customers to perform secure identity checks anywhere in the world in real-time. As such, the company knows who is accessing, using or borrowing its products. jenID thus contributes to the protection of end users' identities and prevents fraud.
Further information:
Genuine-ID app in the Google PlayStore
Genuine-ID app in the App Store
Printable photos, free of charge: jenID photos
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Press contacts
Susanne Seefeld
jenID Solutions GmbH
Moritz-von-Rohr-Straße 1a
07745 Jena
Telefon: +49 3641 316 1070
Media Agency
Tower PR
Mälzerstraße 3
07745 Jena
Tel. +49 3641 87611-80